CreditFlowResearch Partner Interface

About Partner Interface

Partner Interface (PI) is a powerful and flexible tool to quickly fetch CreditFlowResearch content if CFR API does not completely fit your needs. Put simply, PI is a place to create and monitor webhooks which trigger upon creating articles of certain topics.

At the moment, you're free to create webhooks related to a particular issuer, theme, and sector.

How to get access to PI

In order to enjoy CFR Partner Interface power and flexibility, you need to:

  1. Sign up to Credit Flow Research
  2. Contact CFR team to become a CFR partner

Once your application is accepted, a PI icon should appear in the right top corner of CFR website.

What is a webhook for

Webhook combines a topic (theme, issuer, sector) and an endpoint. Once a CFR editor posts an article related to your topic, CFR automatically sends a POST-request to the given webhook.

A typical POST-request is a JSON object of the following structure:

  "data": {
    "id": "123456789",
    "type": "blog",
    "attributes": {
      "name": "A brand new, great article about one of the most amazing issuers",
      "body": "<p>A text of a brand new, great article goes here!</p>",
      "created_at": "2020-05-21T08:10:30.000-05:00",
      "url": ""

Timezone in created_at is always set to EST.


Note that all webhooks are triggered independently.

Example: company John Snow Limited operates in the Airlines sector. Imagine you set up two webhooks: A) for John Snow Limited, 2) for Airlines sector. Once a new article about John Snow is posted, both your webhooks will trigger, meaning that you will receive same article twice.

With that in mind, it's a good idea to separate your own endpoints for different CFR sources.